Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 2012 , Vol 55 , Num 3
A child with warfarin resistance: vitamin K epoxide reductase (VKOR) gene mutation
*Zuhal Keskin Yıldırım1, Hasan Doğan2, Mustafa Büyükavcı3
Atatürk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi 1Pediatri Yardımcı Doçenti, 2Tıbbi Biyoloji Yardımcı Doçenti, 3Pediatri Profesörü venous and arterial thromboembolism because of oral intake and its low price. However, it has a narrow therapeutic range, a high rate of bleeding complications, and highly variable dose adjustment between individuals. Dose adjustment is associated with age, gender, weight, height, body surface area, and CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genetic polymorphisms. We report a patient with heterozygous VKORC1 gene mutation who failed to reach a therapeutic level of international normalized ratio (INR) with warfarin therapy. Anahtar Kelimeler : varfarin direnci, VKORC1 gen polimorfizmi.
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