Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 2003 , Vol 46 , Num 2
Procalcitonin levels in the diagnosis of early neonatal sepsis
Canan Yıldız1, Hayrettin Yıldız1, Sultan Kavuncuoğlu2, Rengin Şiraneci2
SSK Bakırköy Doğumevi Kadın ve Çocuk Hastalıkları Eğitim Hastanesi 1Pediatri Uzmanı, 2Pediatri Klinik Şefi The value of procalcitonin levels in the sepsis-suspected term newborns for the early diagnosis of newborn sepsis, was evaluated in the beginning of the illness, taking into account as well correlation of procalcitonin with other clinical and laboratory findings. In this study 97 term newborns (n=97) with the diagnosis of suspected sepsis admitted to our hospital. They were classified in two groups: sepsis proven by clinical or blood culture [sepsis positive group (n=47)], and whose sepsis excluded [sepsis negative group (n=50)]. The culture results of each group, white blood cell and platelet counts, immature/total neutrophil ratio, C-reactive protein and procalcitonin values were investigated. The negative and positive predictive values, sensitivity, and specificity of these parameters were calculated, and the statistical correlation between the two groups was assessed using Student's t test. The value of procalcitonin was measured using immunoluminometric assay. The level of procalcitonin was found high in 43 cases among the sepsis positive group and in the 3 cases among the sepsis negative group. When a comparison was made between the two groups, it was calculated that specificity of the value of plasma procalcitonin was 94.3%, sensitivity 92.1%, the negative predictive value 92.5%, and the positive predictive value 94.0%. As a result, in addition to the other parameters, it would be useful to use procalcitonin as an indication of an infection in the early diagnosis of newborn sepsis. Anahtar Kelimeler : yenidoğan, sepsis, prokalsitonin
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